Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
主讲人:Kunwoo Lee教授(韩国首尔国立大学工学院院长)
题目:Human-Centered CAD System
摘要:Due to globalization and increasingly competitive market environments, modern products must meet more requirements than ever before. They must not only be functional and aesthetically pleasing, but comfortable and ergonomic, as well. Consumers increasingly demand products that areeasy to use and cause the minimum fatigue on the user side or provide the maximum effect while in use. Thesetypesof designactivitythat consider theeffect of the products on thehuman bodyin the course of design arereferred to as ‘human-centered design’.
Current CAD systems are unable to fully support a human-centered product design. Most of the research regarding ergonomic design has primarily focused on simple geometric analysis andkinematicsimulationon the human operator itself. It is very difficult to specify the interaction between the human operator and the product.andonlythe human model has beenconsidered rather than the interaction between the product and the human model. As a result, it is difficult to apply the method to the traditional design processwhere the product is iteratively modified based upon the product evaluation regarding its effects on the user. Consequently, such designs must be completed manually using trial-and-error iterative experiments on physical prototypes.This trial-and-error process is undesirable because it inherently requires human operators and their subjective evaluationsas well as physical prototypes.
To overcome the limitations described above,an integratedenvironment that allows a simultaneous modeling of a product and a human user, simulation of both product and human behavior, and modification of the product based upon the simulation results.
Case study on a wheel chair design using the proposed approach will be also illustrated.
报告人简介:Kunwoo Lee是韩国首尔国立大学机械航空系教授、工学院院长、《Journal of Computational Design and Engineering》主编、美国机械工程师学会高级会员、韩国科技翰林院院院士、韩国工程院院士。他于1981、1984年在MIT获得机械工程硕士、博士学位。曾任伊利诺伊大学香槟分校助理教授、MIT机械工程系客座副教授、斯坦福大学机械工程系************、韩国先进融合技术研究院院长、韩国机械工程师协会会长、韩国CAD/CAE工程师协会副会长、《Computer-Aided Design》杂志共同主编等。他的研究涵盖CAD的多个领域,目前研究的重心是以人为中心的CAD系统.